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It Girl: Jadyn Douglas of NBC’s ‘Telenovela

It Girl: Jadyn Douglas of NBC’s ‘Telenovela

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To describe Jadyn Douglas, rising star of NBC’s ‘Telenovela’ in three words is a difficult challenge as her dynamism is hard to capture but vivacious, compassionate and ambitious are a few that come to mind.

Jadyn has an energy that emanates through a simple phone call as she describes her previous passions as a singer and songwriter in Nashville, Tennessee, her family and ties to Puerto Rican roots, her current role as Roxie Rios and her dedication to helping others.

Though singing, songwriting and acting were a born talent, they quickly evolved into a passion and ultimately, a career. Although the words “not good enough”, “not right” or “no” became all too familiar, Jadyn persevered knowing that entertainment is her calling and loving that it allows her to connect with a variety of audiences, be a light and be a voice to help others. For those that have their sights set on the same path she is currently paving, she implores them to never give up, sourcing the well-known adage ‘when one door closes, another opens’ and advises to “stay on track, stay focused and your work will pay off; I’m proof it happens!”

When questioned about her experience on ‘Telenovela’, Jadyn speaks vibrantly about the cast, crew and the bonds that have been formed on and off-set while also expressing a deep appreciation for the opportunity to learn from the “great veterans of the game” such as Eva Longoria. “I have been so thrilled with this experience. To come into the game with such an amazing cast and to leave it with people that feel like family is amazing; I definitely feel spoiled.”

On set, Jadyn plays Roxie Rios, a character whom she describes as young, a bit naive and though eliciting a more sexy demeanor, is surprisingly innocent. Nearly immediately one can tell that Jadyn and Roxie share the same effervescence and optimism however, Jadyn admits her more structured personality and conservative apparel draw division lines between her and her ‘Telenovela’ persona. Despite differences between herself and her character, Jadyn finds the positive in the experience and notes the fun in playing someone that differs from yourself and bringing that person to life.

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Outside of her role, Jadyn has immersed herself in philanthropic efforts, a passion inspired by her ‘Telenovela’ peer, Eva Longoria. Recently, Jadyn has been spending time at Padres Contra El Cancer, a charity organization that focuses on aiding families with children who are enduring cancer treatments. Jadyn explains she often feels the children are helping her more than she is helping them, describing the experience as a blessing; they are a continuous reminder that each day is a gift and how key perspective is to living. Jadyn continues to explore other organizations that she can get involved with and genuinely looks forward to the pastime, mentioning that while money is great to help contribute to the cause, donating your time can be more beneficial.

When Jadyn is not on-set or doing charity work, you can find her indulging her make-up shopping obsession or going to the canyon with her French bulldog. While she doesn’t have any insight as to new endeavors quite yet, she is just looking forward to what 2016 brings. Regardless of what it is, Jadyn Douglas is definitely one to keep an eye out for! To stay connected, follow her @jadyndouglas on Twitter or Instagram.

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