Gaia Stanzani Ghedini
Gaia Stanzani Ghedini is an Italian journalist that currently works for IQD Medias, a Media and digital Marketing company, writing articles in Italian and English concerning both current events and cinematic productions such as Mainstream and Seaspiracy. In the summer of 2019, she edited UNESCO’s book ‘Breads of the Creative Cities’. As editor, she also coordinatedmembers of the marketing and publishing department, mediating between UNESCO creative cities and senior members of the International Traditional Knowledge Institute. Gaia recentlycompleted an English literature degree at UCL and will start a Publishing Masters at UCL in September 2021. She graduatedwith a high 2:1, obtaining a first on her thesis that explores the ethical theory of Irish Murdoch’s novels and philosophical writings. She specialized in Modern American Literature, writing a first class course essay that analyzes the concept of Americanness in Hawthorne’s novel The House of Seven Gables: A Romance and Charles Brockden Brown's Wieland; or, The Transformation: An American Tale.