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Private Lives: Geoff Vuleta

Private Lives: Geoff Vuleta

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Fahrenheit Rising: Geoff Vuleta talks ambition, transition…and how New Zealand is a lot like a bumblebee. “The laws of physics and aerodynamics say that the bumblebee can’t fly, except that no one told the bumblebee.” That’s what Geoff Vuleta, CEO of Fahrenheit 212, a leading innovation firm based in New York City, likens to his home country of New Zealand. “It’s a country where no one says you can’t do it. Just ask Peter Jackson.” We can’t help but immediately notice the parallels between this quote and Vuleta’s career path—a former advertising executive, Vuleta turned an unsatisfying career into a groundbreaking, fearless new endeavor when he created Fahrenheit 212.

Fahrenheit 212 works with Fortune 500 companies to create new products and businesses and accelerate their path to market. The firm has built two companies working under the same roof – Money and Magic. Working in tandem and in tension throughout every project one team is solving for the consumer and the other for the business.

Of his former career, Vuleta tells us that his personal definition of failure would be going back to it. “I think I would rather cut grass,” he tells us bluntly. Geoff’s honesty, passion and unflinching vision inspire us.

What’s most interesting about Fahrenheit 212—and what makes it such a departure from an advertising agency—is that it not only focuses on its clients’ end consumers, but on its clients as well. This radical approach also includes a fee structure that most traditional ad firms would consider too risky. Clients determine the metrics or milestones that define for them a success, and Fahrenheit 212 only gets paid if they meet these expectations.

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Does it work? Vuleta admits that “we are outcome obsessed because we are outcome paid.” Which likely increases the chance of success not only for Fahrenheit 212, but also for its clients. Such a bold approach to business could only be led by someone like Vuleta, who clearly believes he, too, can fly.

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